Saturday, October 30, 2010

grim voids of adherence

from the library in cluj
25 10 2010

Here @ Sibiu and in the good ole’ American business hotel, whatever this place is called, right, and we have here the big ole’ brunch like bacon, eggs, smoked salmon, potatoes, tea, coffee, bell peppers and cucumber. Sometimes these grim voids of adherence to int’l and USA business standards yield like, a taste of home, and I spend a long breakfast drinking tea. And now they are pulling a white curtain across the buffet and it is an eerie shroud on the place that a moment ago provided me with food and sustenance. And I hand the waiter forty-two lei in cash, and he darts his eyes quickly and sees that no one has seen this handoff, and I wonder if the money has been pocketed. Well, in a way, for me it is the same. Seen how the Julius Meinl logo is everywhere, man. And each table has a simple white ceramic vase holding a solitary piece of twirly bamboo and it feels like an exploitation via commercialization of what once may have held some spiritual/ zen-like powers. And an old bald man chews his cud, and leans his arms across the back of his chair and stares at me- I am writing, after all, on paper- my cover is blown.

20 10 2010

zebra pizza targu mures- waiting for my take-away order

Here to my left is a young girl in a sweater with horizontal lines to teal, brown, heather, pale yellow: earth tones, right. And her face is washed out and she seems to pull on her hair and with ecery strand she tugs, she becomes all the more a small mountain goat, and here in romania google news tells me about Boardman, 63, gored by goat. Boardman gored at the Olympic national park. In the Olympic National Park. Pierced in the thigh and the goat stands and guards the bleeding Boardman. Boardman 63, gored by goat. And here now, we see the arching and multi-tiered wedding cake of the Orthodox church. And we see how the metal coat hook has two curved hooks and how the maker saw fit to make the brass piece that is screwed into the wall the face of a lion.