So why didn't I get the hell out?
In fact, I did. Tanner came back for 'one last pop.'
I am never, as a rule, supposed to interact with other humans before ten o'clock in the morning. I was up at nine, meeting Darkah for a second round of surfing, I needed to check out/ pack up. So.
I said, 'bonsoir' to greet the waiter at breakfast. Clearly the wrong thing to say at nine in the morning. He smiled and laughed. So when he brought me my food, I gave him another 'bonsoir,' and a thumbs-up. He gave me food and a winning smile.
After setting down my dish, he said some French words, of which I comprehended the term, 'avocat'- lawyer. My current French results in an absurdist landscape of interaction, which, reflecting on it, I rather like. I enjoy the, like I said, absurdity, of a nonsequential wasteland of : and, how, good, if. The avocat comment was a gift that I enjoyed trying to connect to the situation and in the end, I just enjoyed the fact that it was morning, I said 'good night,' and he said, 'lawyer.'
Problem with breakfast:
As I sat relishing the exchange I had just had with the waiter....
"It's Tanner..."
I have changed the guy's name, but it sounds damn close to that. I managed to extricate myself and got myself fairly painlessly to my room. All that guy does is complain.
As I packed quickly, a knock on the door....
"It's Tanner..."
I let the guy in. He just wanted one last pop. One last crack on the back. I gave it to him. I didn't take one I'll have you know. Instead, I snapped a photo of him from my balcony. I did it real covert-like, too- through the slats of the wooden sliding door. Enjoy:
TIP: If you get a male whore in Morocco, just give him the money.
Damn, I didn't know Mike Tyson was for hire!